
Requirement of Consultants/Nodal Officers in National Project Implementation and State Project Implementation Units (SPIU)

LAST DATE 30th November 2017

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Government of India. invites online applicabans. through Edell. (India) Limited. a Mini Ratna" CPSE. from candidates for contractual engagement vnth National Protect Implementation Unit tNPILII ion IN TEOIP scheme of MNRD Covering the follovnng posts for runiung the offices NM and SPIV auoss different locations. 
cdi Name of Post Vacancy Place of Posting 1 Calton (Actnistrato) 01 DON NCR 2 knonat Canaltal (Computer System) 01 DeIN NCR 3 Asso:rat Orsultant (Procurernang 01 Doh NCR 4 Meal OfficenConstitant *Wend Instibnortal °octoroon) 101 post to each stale) 04 Itnachn Pradesh; Addax,. Odds an othattegath 5 Nodal Officer/Casnant Fronts) 01 post to eadi SOO 05 Govahat Jhadthand: Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pratsb and Mem Total 12 
MALS/2021/7160101 interested carchlater professionals may APPLY MUNE from 1st Natality to 30th November 2017. The link shall be disabled after the *dated tone line. The last Date of Receipt of Applications Is 30.11.2017 For further details please visit WebSite 1.0. yalattitalildillain yinn.mhrrlovin verily noiu Me in For submission of onirne applications please VIM feiffiValkfilalifi Or