Advertisement for the Research Position: RA/SRF
Applications are invited for one Research Associate (RA)/Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - anyone in CSIR sponsored research project “Upconverting luminescent materials in display devices and security purposes”. Fellowship/Qualification/Age: (i) RA @ Rs. 36,000/- + HRA: Possessing Ph.D. degree in the related field. Maximum Age: 35 years or (ii) SRF @ Rs. 14,000/-+ HRA: Possessing M.Sc. in Physics/Applied Physics with at least two years of research experience in the related field having published papers in refereed journals. Maximum Age: 32 years. Age Relaxation: The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Women and physically handicapped candidates. Nature and duration of post: Purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The maximum duration is of two years. The completed applications alongwith attested copies of mark sheets/certificates (class 10 onwards) must reach to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Vineet Kumar Rai, Department of Applied Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad-826004 (Jharkhand).
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पुणे येथील महिला व बाल विकास विभागात विविध पदांच्या एकूण ८३ जागा
Indian Coast Guard recruitment 2020
नागपूर येथील मॉयल लिमिटेडच्या आस्थापानेवर विविध पदांच्या एकूण ३६ जागा