

LAST DATE 11th September 2017

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts on permanent basis:-

SI. No Name of the Post No. of Post and Reservation Pay Scale Qualification
Essential Desirable
1 Junior Engineer - Civil (Redesignated from Overseer) 01 (SC) 9300 - 34800 + 4200GP Passed in Diploma in Civil Engineering or B.E/B.Tech,- Civil, approved by recognized institution Previous field experience and Basic Computer knowledge
2 Poundkeeper 02 (UR- 2) 4800 - 10000 + 1300GP VIIIth STD Passed Should possess sound mental and physical health
3 Safaiwala 23(UR-12, SC-5, OBC - 6) 4800 - 10000 + 1300GP Able to read and write in Tamil and able to do all cleaning related works Should possess sound mental and physical health