Project The Technical Education Quality Improvement Project (TEQIP is implemented by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India with focus on improving the quality of technical education in focus states of North-Eastern Region; Bihar, Chhattisgarh; Jharkhand; Madhya Pradesh; Odisha; Rajasthan; Uttar Pradesh; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu & Kashmir Uttarakhand and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Position: Assistant Professor (on purely contract basis) - upto 3 years or upto end of the project period, whichever is earlier and non-renewable.
Emoluments: Rs. 70,000 per month (all inclusive).
Number of Positions: Total 1221 in 53 Colleges (details in
Details: Detailed advertisement mentioning qualification, experience. age limit, selection wocoFluro.- lotailed schedule, terms and conditions, are available on
Application Process: Only through online form available on
Timelines: 10 a.m. on 27" October to 11.59 p.m. on 15" November. The link shall be disabled after the stipulated time line.
Interviews for shortlisted Candidates: At 20 NITS as per choice of the candidate between 11' and 15' Dec 2017.
BIS Recruitment 2020: 150 vacancies of scientists
पुणे येथील महिला व बाल विकास विभागात विविध पदांच्या एकूण ८३ जागा
Indian Coast Guard recruitment 2020
नागपूर येथील मॉयल लिमिटेडच्या आस्थापानेवर विविध पदांच्या एकूण ३६ जागा