WALK-IN INTERVIEW:Walk-in interview has been fixed as scheduled below for the engagement of RA/SRF under ICAR “National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture” project. The engagements will be purely on temporary basis subject to performance based extension till termination of the project. There is no provision of absorption/re-employment in ICAR-IVRI after termination of the project.
1. Name & number of position: Research Associate (RA) - One Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Animal Science/Vet. Physiology/ Biochemistry/Biotechnology or any branch of Life Sciences or Master Degree (MVSc/MSc/M.Tech) in Animal Science/Vet. Physiology/ Biochemistry/Biotechnology or any branch of Life Sciences with 4 years/5 years of Bachelor’s degree having 1st division or 60% marks or equivalent OGPA with atleast two years of research experience.
Age limit: Research Associate: 40 years for men and 45 years for women.
Emoluments: Based on his/ her research experience a associate may be placed at one of the 3 pay levels given below depending upon the qualification and experience: Research Associate-l Rs. 36,000/-, Research Associate-ll Rs. 38,000/- & Research Associate-Ill Rs. 40,000/- + HRA.
2. Name & number of position: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - Three Essential Qualification: Post graduate (MVSc/MSc/M.Tech.) in Animal Biochemistry/Veterinary Physiology or any branch of Life Sciences with 4 years/5 years Bachelor’s degree. Candidates having post graduate degree in basic sciences with 3 year bachelor’ degree and 2 year master’ degree should have NET or PhD (Submitted/ awarded) in relevant subject.
Age limit: 35 years for men and 40 years for women.
Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for 1st and 2nd year and from 3rd year onwards Rs. 28,000/-+ HRA.
Date, Time and Place of Interview: 11-09-2017 at 11:00 AM in the Committee room of Division of Biological Standardization of this Institute. The candidate fulfilling all the requirements should send (or bring along with) their application along with attested copies of all relevant documents to Dr. Ashok K. Tiwari, Head & PI-NICRA project, Biological Standardization, IVRI, lzatnagar- 243122, Bareilly (U.P.).
For more details, candidates may visit Institute website
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