
NISCAIR recruitment 7 vacancies

LAST DATE 1st October 2017

Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for filling up the following scientific positions in the area of Science Communication for Scientific Research Journals/ Popular Science Magazine/ TV, Radio Production/ Research & Business Development/ Human Resource Development/ International Affairs/ Media & Outreach, etc.

Designation No. of posts Pay level Upper age limit not exceeding as on last date of online submission of application (01.10.2017) (Relaxation as per rules)
Scientist 07{4-UR, 1-ST, 1-OBC&1-PwD (HH/VH/OH)} Pay matrix 11/1. Initial Pay Rs. 67,700/- as per 7th CPC +usual allowances as per rules 32 Years
Sr. Scientist Pay matrix 12/1. Initial pay Rs. 78,800/- as per 7th CPC +usual allowances as per rules 37 years