CSIR-CEERI is actively engaged in research in Smart Sensors, Cyber Physical Systems, Microwave Devices and related technologies in collaboration with Industries and Government/National agencies. CSIR-CEERI is seeking applications from eligible, talented and motivated young professionals to be posted at any one of these locations: Pilani, Chennai, New Delhi or Jaipur as per requirements, in the following cadre:
DesignationNo. of Posts & ReservationPay Level & Pay MatrixTotal EmolumentsUpper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 11.09.2017)
ScientistUR 7 (including 1 PwD-HH/OH) OBC 4 (including 1 PwD-HH/OH) SC 3 ST 2 Total 16Pay Level-11 ₹ 67700/- 208700/-{pre-revised PB-3 ₹ 15600-39100+₹ 6600/- (Grade Pay)}₹ 77178/-32 years
Senior ScientistUR2 Total 2Pay Level-12 ₹ 78800/- 209200/-{pre-revised PB-3 ₹ 15600-39100+₹ 7600/- (Grade Pay)}₹7 8983237 years
Principal ScientistUR2 Total 2Pay Level-13 7118500/- 214100/-{pre-revised PB-4 737400-67000+78700/- (Grade Pay)}₹7 13509045 years
The last date for receipt of applications is 11.09.2017. For more information and specialization please see advertisement No. 03/2017 on the Institute’s website www.ceeri.res.in
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