
JKSPDC Recruitment 2017 18 149 JE Openings

LAST DATE 5th September 2017

Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited (JKSPDC) is going to hire eager and talented contenders to fill vacant one hundred forty nine vacant government job openings of Junior Engineers, Geological Assistants, and Surveyors.Eligible candidates should send their applications in the prescribed format along with attested copies of required documents on or before last date 05-09-2017.

Name of the posts: 
·         Junior Engineer(Civil) – 90
·         Junior Engineer(Mechanical) – 13
·         Junior Engineer(Electrical) -36
·         Junior Engineer(Automation) For BHEP – 02
·         Junior Engineer(Instrumentation) for BHEP – 02
·         Geological Assistant – 03
·         Surveyor (Geology) – 03