SPQEM seeks to bring about qualitative improvement in Madrasas to enable Muslim children attain standards of the national education system in formal education subjects. The salient features of SPQEM scheme are :
To strengthen capacities in Madrasas for teaching of the formal curriculum subjects like Science, Mathematics, Language, Social Studies etc. through enhanced payment of teacher honorarium.
Training of such teachers every two years in new pedagogical practices.
Providing Science labs, Computer labs with annual maintenance costs in the secondary and higher secondary stage madrasas.
Provision of Science/Mathematics kits in primary/upper primary level madrassas.
Strengthening of libraries/book banks and providing teaching learning materials at all levels of madrasas.
The unique feature of this modified scheme is that it encourages linkage of Madrasas with National Institute for Open Schooling (NIOS), as accredited centres for providing formal education, which will enable children studying in such Madrasas to get certification for class 5, 8, 10 and 12. This will enable them to transit to higher studies and also ensure that quality standards akin to the national education system. Registration & examination fees to the NIOS will be covered under this scheme as also the teaching learning materials to be used.
The NIOS linkage will be extended under this scheme for Vocational Education at the secondary and higher secondary stage of Madrasas.
For the monitoring and popularization of the scheme it will fund State Madrasa Boards. GoI will itself run periodic evaluations, the first within two years.
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