
Vinay Sahasrabuddhe named as ICCR Chief

National vice-president of the BJP, Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, who is also a member of Rajya Sabha has been appointed the President of Indian Council of Cultural Relations. He will replace Lokesh Chandra who had been appointed by the NDA government in October 2014 and has completed his three-year term.

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'विद्यार्थी मित्र' जॉईन करा आणि मिळवा न्यूज, जॉब, माहिती अगदी विनामूल्य ते ही आपल्या व्हॉटस्अॅपवर किंवा टेलेग्राम ( <नाव><शहराचे नाव><नोकरी>७७२०० २५९०० मेसेज व्हॉटस्अॅपवर पाठवा